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Top 10 List of Week 03

  1. What is a File System
    In a computer, a file system – sometimes written filesystem – is the way in which files are named and where they are placed logically for storage and retrieval. Without a file system, stored information wouldn’t be isolated into individual files and would be difficult to identify and retrieve

  2. File Access Mechanisms
    File access mechanism refers to the manner in which the records of a file may be accessed. There are several ways to access files - Sequential access, Direct/Random access, Indexed sequential access.

  3. File System Implementation
    File system implementation defines how files and directories are stored, how disk space is managed, and how to make everything work efficiently and reliably. File system organize storage on disk drives, and can be viewed as a layered design.

  4. Advantages & Disadvantages File Allocation Methods
    The allocation methods define how the files are stored in the disk blocks. There are three main disk space or file allocation methods - Contiguous Allocation, Linked Allocation, and Indexed Allocation. Advantages and disadvantages are seen by efficient utilization of disk space and quick access to file blocks.

  5. How to Implement Free Space List Using Bitvector and Linkedlist
    This short video explains about free space management using linked list on disk and the explanation is accompanied by a picture to make it easier to understand.

  6. Unified Buffer Cache
    This website explains why UBC is important to improve file system performance and the benefits of using UBC.

  7. Mounting
    This website explains about how to mounting and unmounting file system and the explanation is accompanied by a picture to make it easier to understand. It also includes a Table which provides instructions on how to install the file system according to how you use it.

  8. Virtual File System
    This website provides definition and function of virtual file system and more on this topic.

  9. What does File Sharing mean?
    This website provides definition about file sharing and specifies what methods can be used to file sharing.

  10. Consistency Semantics
    This website explains about definition of consistency semantics for file sharing and give several examples.